Big Bad Wolf

halloween header

Hullo, Spooky Stars! Lyn here with the first Halloween custom on the site❣ I know I’m a lil late to it so sorry. Do you like the static style I decorated the site with? c: I decided to do the Big Bad Wolf because it’s my favourite fairy tale. As for creds?

I honestly can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually got the original cat body and head from GraalDepot. I just couldn’t find a cat head and body without extensions that were plain enough.

PS~ Ty to these loyal stars 🌟

Blanca.Pixel, BrokenGhostGfx

Lyra, LyraGfx 

Kim, PlhGfx


Ioana and Ralu, PinkstarGfx

FrootLoops, FruitiMochiGfx

character (1).png

big bad wolf headBigbaddy.gifbig bad wolf bod

Love our site? Help us reach 300k and become a loyal shining star❣ 💫

Have a Spooky Halloween


halloween separator


What’s In Store?

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Hey, Stars! Lyn here c: and it feels weird to be back all of a sudden lol. So I decided I’d use as much of my free time to make/ edit some Halloween costums as possible, cause like I said before, I absolutely LOVE Halloween ❤

BUTT, I won’t make any promises to get them done any sooner because I’m still super busy and I’m pretty sure I don’t even get a week off for this holiday D:) and I even have like 3 math tests tomorrow (when this is posted >:c).

wanna a taste of what I’ve plan? 😉


(not the final result)

Happy Halloween!!

Ps- Love our site? :oo help us reach 300k and become a loyal star🌟too!


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Moonlight brownies💫✨

When I posted last night.. I actually thought about it. I thought that the site needed something. Its been like- months? Or a month or two since nothing’s been posted on here.

Everyone is getting busy and since lyn will be busy too, guess i’m alone here? I will definately had to get a partner. But I can work alone too if everyone is busy until we hire someone. I am OK with it. This site is alot for me. I still remmember the first times when I joined. 🌟✨

This is the first ever head I maded by combining few heads. But the hairstyle, all of it I made. The M on the forehead shows that the head belongs to Moongraal even if someone removes the watermarkings.✨

meh9999999.png meh7.png (7).gif (6).gif mehbody.png

Orignal body, the credits goes to this site. Mili. I miss you alot. Hope you are doing good. For the orignal head, credits goes to Whitevangfx. Ya’ll are amazing.

I actually wanted to surprise you guys and look. Not the weekend or now but today. Here ya go shinning stars. 🌟✨⭐

💫moonlight Brownies💫


I hope you like it 🙂



Have i told you guys that i’ve been busy for past a few days? Well. Looks like someones back. So would you like to listen to my tragedy? 🙂

You, probably ya’ll doesn’t knew that I was in Amsterdam. All of that happened so quickly. My grandparents lives there so I went to visit them. No. I was absolutely not quitting the customs or this site BUT phone happened. You know? The moment you love Apple more than Samsung like shitz but hate it twice as much.

I, what happened was, I opened my Iphone, was checking my instagram. I logged into era a few times and then I switched it off because I was about to eat my FAVOURITE vegetables, those are ladyfingers. BUT AFTER I FINISHED EATING….!!

After I finished eating, I wanted to log into graal. BUT my password wasn’t working. I was like “Haha. Try me. I have a security thingy called touch ID.” But my bad. We need password to enable touch ID. The funny thing was, I was typing the actual, correct password add it kept saying that incorrect. I then, tried alot of times and my Iphone got disabled. My day just wouldn’t get any better. I had to go to the apple store. Connect it to Itunes and thanks to a dear cousin of mines who helped me. She my brotha 8).

Since i’m back, the first thing I did was to check out them customs and LYN?!?! Oh my god, are they beautiful? I,m absolutely in love with the new sets and I want to upload one of them. Lyn got tat magic.

Also, I heard it so its final.

We are Hiring.

And since i’m back, it’ll take alot of time to work on some of the customs. New ones. So why not I post the one I created personaly for me? They are actually one of the second or third customs that I made myself.

Can’t say from scratch. But.. Want to have a look? :*

Like it? Make sure you love it as I spend alot of time! I will be posting it this weekend maybe or next weekend since im back in Pakistan and school started. Also, I haven’t finished it yet tho, the body is done.

Missed ya alot and finally i’m back with something you’ll hopefully like.

So yeah where’s my WelcomeBack? And by the way.. Do you know BTS?




Hullo, stars! Lyn here and back so soon. Sadly, I don’t have any edits, I’m sorry :c. Anyway, as the title reads, I’m hiring for only 2 more stars! This site basically has no one to post atm and since I’m going to be off for a while, I decided to start hiring c: so that during the time I’m gone, I’ll hopefully find some promising ppl to work with when I come back. ❤ 


(yeah I know, but trust me, I’m not asking for too much. Please read if applying)

❣I’m looking for someone who can post within a month or at least let me know if they’re going to quit, take a break etc.

❣ PLEASE, be respectful to all people and don’t start random fights and post them. I understand if it’s someone copying, stealing work and such.

❣Please, no super simple edits like only changing the face or just the hair colour then posting :/ I don’t think it’s fair for the original editor.

❣Please remember to put a title, even it’s an emoji and reply to comments left for u; please no ‘read more tags’ and don’t go ham with the font colours as obviously, it’s not that easy to read lol. Also add ur name at the top or bottom, not in the title.<3 (yes I have a lot of pet peeves lol)

❣If you already have a site, then that’s wonderful! Make sure to send me the link so I can have more of an insight on ur type of work c; . Idc if it’s more of the styles in Classic, Era, West or Zone cause it’s always better to have more variation 💫

❣Please remember to put credits on everything and don’t be afraid to ask me questions or favours if ur struggling, for instance, if the layout is being a weirdo (like SOMETIMES lmao), I’ll try my best to help ur draft.

to apply, tell me ur name, what u can do (like gifs, cc, ombres etc.), if there are any areas u think u need to improve on (I won’t judge, promise ❤ ), a site (if you’re in one or own one etc.) then finally and most importantly, ur WordPress Gmail so I can send u an invitation to my group ❤

PSTy to these loyal stars 🌟

Kim, PlhGfx 💋

Lyra, LyraGfx 💞

Azzarina, FishcakeGfx🦄

Qwerty, QwertZilla🦖



Kate.R, SharleneGraalGfx👑

Snow, ClassyGirlzGfx

Ioana n Ralu, Pinkstar💫

Tiffany.R, TiffanyGraalGfxBlog🦋





Bad News?


Hullo, beautiful stars! Lyn here with some bad news, Ig. Sadly I’m busier than I expected this year :c so I definitely will be more inactive; in fact, I’m going to take a break from Gfx rn. Don’t worry, I’m not quitting tho.

Recently, I’ve been busy with school (which is killing me on the inside lol) and every time I have any free time, I can’t help but feel super tired or just really not in the mood to do anything much but rest. I hope it’s understandable ❤


PSTy to these loyal stars 🌟

Kim, PlhGfx 💋

Lyra, LyraGfx 💞

Azzarina, FishcakeGfx🦄

Qwerty, QwertZilla🦖



Kate.R, SharleneGraalGfx👑

Snow, ClassyGirlzGfx

Ioana n Ralu, Pinkstar💫

Tiffany.R, TiffanyGraalGfxBlog🦋





Purple Twins


Hullo, stars! Lyn here c: and I decided to do a 2nd Purple Post! If you’re new, check out the Purple Love post I did for couples💞 heheh. :0000 Guys! We almost have 300k BeautifulStars… wut-wuuut?? As a special, I have a post planned for when the milestone has been met 😮

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Creds to these fab sites: YouJaceGfx, CheetosGfx (for the heads) and AzngirlzGfx (for the body).

PS~ Ty to these loyal stars 🌟


Azzarina, FishCakeGfx 💕


Chips again, lol ❤

  fromcheetosgfxyoujacegfx  cheetosjace  BODEH




Heads Up!


Hey guys! Lyn here, and once again no uploads sorry :c , but I just thought you’d guys know that I start school again in a week. Although I wouldn’t usually have issues with that, this year’s actually going to be the most important: I have my finals/ GCSE’s and I need to study super hard o3o; . Just know, I won’t be posting as often but hopefully, I can find a solution.

PS~ Ty to these loyal stars 🌟

Chips, PlhGfx, JuicyGfx and PinkstarGfx

also here’s c: an art piece I did ❤ . Logo is on there btw.


God is a woOoOOman *0*, lol sorry I love that song heheh.





Just A Rant


hullo, stars! Wait, Lyn’s back so soon? 😮 sadly this isn’t a post on more edits and such- in fact, this is a rant c: . Tbh, I’m not sure how long this will be, but since I tend to type a lot when ranting, I guess I’m gonna write a lengthy amount. Just to put this clear, I’m not targeting this towards anyone in specific: this calls out to everyone.

So, this topic has been around for soooooo long. Time and time again, it never seems to get into many peoples’ heads- that topic is giving credits. This site seems to be quiet when it comes to that argument; Milifia never really spared some time to say much- she never really got to say her opinion and thoughts, so I will. I don’t want the excuses: what I do want is that at least more people are given what they deserve. I understand that rants aren’t going to completely wipe out the issues that we seem to have with giving credits, but they can get the message out sometimes.

‘Giving credit isn’t hard’, we always say and it’s true- no lies, no tricks, no curving it, so why must it get so controversial? I do agree it’s not easy for the editors that save random files and then choose to edit them later on, however, this is based on a game after all- a simple one, meaning simple alternatives. These alternatives literally take seconds to come up with and if I don’t see a website that’s linked in the post, then it just shows how much effort they’ve put. If you can’t remember then at least try giving a site with a similar edit the credit; it’s more likely they’ll lead a string to who you’re looking for than just ‘here’ or ‘another’. The editing part can be hard on any range, depending on how much effort is put in, but posting it should be easy for everyone. We may say it often, but repeating the phrase just shows the importance and emphasises it, ‘it isn’t hard’.

‘Credits to original owners’ isn’t exactly the worst, as it still does imply them, but in my opinion, it’s still wrong (I don’t hate you; it’s just a pet peeve of mine, lol). Even if you aren’t taking credit for it as a whole, from afar it appears like it. Have you ever even thought about the usual process of how someone takes something off your site? It’s usually just ‘take what you like’, so they don’t check additional stuff like the comments. You can’t just expect to tell people to put the credits for you at the bottom because they shouldn’t, you should- especially if you choose to run a site or contribute to one; You make yourself and the fellow members look awful. We put links in the comment, not just to satisfy us, but because giving credit is just the right thing to do, and it wasn’t done the first time.

For those who don’t care, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t people who do. Some of us may find gfx a little pixel art or mini, extra hobby we like to do, and so to us, it does matter a certain amount. Not giving credit is basically credit stealing, even if it’s unintentional: If you don’t give credit that means you’re the one to ruin our fun😕 and take away our work. Just because you can edit something in less than an hour, doesn’t justify for the rest of us: we aren’t all the same and we don’t do things exactly the same as one another too. We may do more than just recolour, or change a face, skin tone, extensions etc. Plus, if you hate things/ people who are unfair, then you’re considered as one when not giving credit- you’re actually the true hypocrite.

Credit stealers are selfish: all the ‘idc’, ‘it’s not my job’, ‘I haven’t got time’ statements just contradict the choice to even participate or run a site in the first place; if what you say is true, then why continue? If you’re gonna do gfx, then you’ve got the small responsibilities, like giving credit.




Pink Daze


Hullo, beautiful stars! Lyn here and I’m back with my first combined set on the 😮 site!
SoOOoOooO, I also realised that I’m not gonna stick with my posting schedule anymore sowwy, I just tend to forget or be busy :c. Also, do you like my new logo? :00 Please don’t copy, lol.


Anyways creds to these amazeballs sites ❤ ~

PinkstarGfx for one of the heads I used, Miyabigraal for extensions and Azngirlzgfx for the original body. The other two are parts of Mili’s old sets. Hair took me FoREvEr 😂this.png

PS~ Ty to these loyal stars 🌟

<Chips and LyraGfx3



